Beyond mainstream: Five indie lifestyle magazines for inspiration

Lifestyle magazines – ooh how I love them so!!

Okay, so my plan for today had been to conquer the ever-growing list of household tasks that have been piling up. However, due to my determination this week to get fit again, after two days of intense exercises from ‘Sweat with Kayla’, I now resemble an old lady and can hardly move! I think I have reawakened muscles in my legs that had been asleep for years! So… as I am sofa bound, I am going to enjoy catching up on some of my favourite lifestyle magazines for endless inspiration.

Top 5 indie lifestyle magazines you just have to subscribe to…

Whether it’s art, design, travel or fashion that excites you, these lifestyle magazines explore topics in ways that the mainstream magazines don’t. They are open, honest, inspiring and a little bit sexy! Be awed by the best photography, off the beaten track reviews and matter of fact opinions of creatives and everyday people.

‘Another Escape’ magazine

Top of my list has to be  Another Escape. This is an outdoor lifestyle, creative culture and sustainable living publication which covers everything I stand for. It inspires me to pursue my interests, follow my dreams and expand my knowledge and passions. 

Featuring the stories of passionate people, alluring landscapes and deep-rooted, innovative subject matter, this magazine is a journey in itself. The design and photography are simply stunning and not only this, but it is environmentally friendly too, being printed in vegetable inks with a local printer – bonus points!

‘Kinfolk’ magazine

This quarterly print and online magazine delves deep into design, interiors, home, art and culture. Kinfolk promotes slow-living and quality of life and has become a leading lifestyle authority. With bestselling books (see previous post on TThe Kinfolk Home: interiors for slow-living) and a gallery space in Copenhagen, this magazine has a Scandinavian touch to it.

‘Cereal’ magazine

This is one cool magazine. Cereal is a biannual travel, design and style magazine and is based just up the road from me in the beautiful city of Bath. Each issue focuses on a select number of destinations, alongside engaging interviews and stories covering unique design, art and fashion. The photography is truly stunning. Goals right here!

‘Rucksack’ magazine

Two of my main passions in life are adventure and photography, so there’s no guessing why Rucksack magazine is another lifestyle magazine favourite of mine. A bi-annual publication and online journal, Rucksack celebrates both written and visual storytelling through adventure and photography features. Another reason why I love them is that they celebrate new and emerging photographers and writers, connecting a global community of creative storytellers. It is unique, quirky and inspiring! I hope to get a mention one day (#believe in yourself).

‘Apartamento’ magazine

Celebrating ten years, Apartamento is an everyday life interiors magazine that showcases people’s homes around the world. It is full of influential, inspiring and honest interiors and shows that there are so many different ways to ‘create home’. From designer apartments to a home in a bus, there are no limits!

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Creative Instagram accounts to follow

Tags: lifestyle magazines | lifestyle magazine inspiration | top creative magazines | indie magazines | Rucksack magazine | Another escape | Cereal | The Kinfolk home