Follow your dreams & enjoy the journey

The mind of a creative and entrepreneur & how to follow your dreams

There’s a line in the Baz Luhrmann song ‘Sunscreen’ that goes; 

“Don’t feel guilty if you don’t know what you want to do with your life… the most interesting people I know didn’t know at twenty-two what they wanted to do with their lives. Some of the most interesting forty year olds I know still don’t”.

This really resonates with me today.

I spend quite a bit of time thinking, researching and thinking some more about the topics and stories to feature on this blog. It can be really tricky to make sure content is interesting, appeals to my audience, but most of all that it inspires.

I want to inspire.

This week, I have decided to share the ‘real’ me, because for those of you who know me, I am a bit of a closed book. This isn’t intentional, I’m just not a great conversationalist I suppose, but I do actually want others to know what makes me tick.

This post is about my journey, my struggles, my joys and what goes through my mind on a weekly basis. I am thirty-four and can now finally appreciate the lyrics of ‘sunscreen’!

Being a creative person is amazing, but it can also be a constant rollercoaster of emotions. Looking back over the past year, I have come up with five ideas for new ventures I’d like to grow and began planning and building two of these in my spare time. The goal is to follow my dreams and I’m enjoying the process.

This sounds great, but in reality trying to do too much has its downfalls, particularly when sticking to one thing is not my strong point and carrying one idea through to completion is even harder. I will get several months into a new project, almost ready to launch then WHAM! I go to bed and my brain pixies start working their magic, planting new inventions for me to dabble with and the previous project is deserted.

I had to congratulate myself a teeny bit when I finally got around to launching Green and the Great. This blog is the culmination of four business ideas I had been beavering away at for the last year.

  1. The first was going to be sourcebook for artists, designers and independent makers to sell their work.

  2. The second idea was an interior design and styling agency.

  3. The third and maybe the one I got most excited about was a unique escapes directory, discovering awesome places in the UK for quirky stays.

  4. The fourth was a place to share my love for slow living and ethically sourced products.

After deciding I couldn’t do all four independently, I pulled them together and created this journal. And I’m loving it!

Writing for me is like emptying my mind and sharing my ambitions, ideas and inspiration with others. It has become really enjoyable too. Instagram continues to inspire me daily and I have a renewed love for photography after a few years of neglect.

Which kind of brings me to where we started – the big question ‘what did and what do I want to do with my life?’ 

When I was eighteen I wanted to be a fashion photographer. The piles of Vogue magazine still scattered around my house is evidence of the obsession I had with this. I hadn’t really ‘found myself’ yet and was awed by the glamour and lifestyle in the glossy pages.

However, at twenty-two and after three years studying fashion photography at Arts University Bournemouth, I realised I hated the city and couldn’t bear to live in London. I ignored my heart for so long because I thought the path I had chosen was the only one and if I changed my mind then in a way I would be failing. At twenty-two I didn’t believe failure was an option.

So, I plodded along really. I moved back to the countryside (so pleased I did!) dabbling in wedding photography, studio photography and odd jobs. I had no idea what I was doing with my life. 

Seriously, I was a bit lost.

It has only been in the last seven years, after meeting my fiancé, travelling and doing the things I love, that I can now identify what makes me happy.  These are:

  • Nature and the outdoors

  • Exercising, hiking, running, walking

  • Adventure and road trips

  • Being in the mountains

  • Cabins

  • Appreciating time on my own

  • Photography – outdoors is my new favourite!

  • Writing and reading

I’m also comfortable knowing that I may have all these great ideas swimming around in my head, but it’s okay not to follow them all through. Or that it’s okay to have started something and then to switch directions half way through if you need to.

I’m not a famous fashion photographer but I don’t think I failed, I’m happy now and in my eyes that’s what success is all about.

This morning I woke feeling excited – I had another great plan in the early hours for a new venture – one that I am super excited about and includes mountains AND cabins! Watch this space…!!!

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Tags: follow your dreams | how to follow your dreams | entrepreneur | the mind of a creative | setting goals | achieving goals | starting a business | becoming a blogger

All images my own.