Sustainable living – get outdoors and rethink priorities

How do I embrace sustainable living?

January is infamous for being the most depressing month of the year. The December celebrations have taken their toll, we are feeling a little fatter than usual (speaking for myself!), the weather consists of rain, rain and more rain, and the bank balance is looking dreary with pay day still a distant dot in the future. But don’t be down! There are many things we can do to lift our spirits whilst embracing sustainable living.

Get outside more regardless of the weather!

  • It may not be 30 degrees and blue skies, but make the most of the weather regardless and get outside. One wise bird once said, “there’s no such thing as bad weather, just inappropriate clothing”. She’s right! So wrap up, chuck the waterproofs on and take your camera – you may be surprised at how refreshed you feel after a hike in the woods. You could even treat yourself to a quick stop at the local pub afterwards to warm your cockles – Just make sure if you do to only have that one drink – no point doing all that exercise otherwise!

I am lucky enough to have some truly beautiful countryside around where I live, so finding a walking route is never difficult. These pictures were taken during early January when I’d had enough of mince pies and mulled wine and wanted to get back to normal. James and I headed to one of our favourite local walks – Stourhead Gardens to King Alfred’s Tower.

No matter what mood I wake up in, if I can find the get up and go needed, a walk outside dramatically changes my mood. It’s wonderful when I have company, but I also so enjoy a walk on my own. Nature has an incredible ability to revive you and make you realise just how amazing this world is we live in.

New year – the perfect time to make changes and embrace a sustainable lifestyle

It is so easy to feel down at this time of year. I found myself moaning a little last week about the rain, not having as much money to enjoy dinners out and generally just being a bit of a grump.

But my eyes were well and truly opened yesterday and my priorities awakened when James mentioned a young man he met in the changing rooms of the gym who after having a shower, dressed in three layers of clothing. Unfortunately this man appeared to be homeless.

The temperature last night went below freezing. All I could think about all night was “where was he?”, “was he okay?”. How is this fair? Some of us complain about the small things but most of us have a warm home to go to every night, food on the table and the basic necessities.

I am now asking myself, ‘what kind of person do I want to be?’. The answer is ‘a good one’. I want to help others as well as look after this planet. I write on this blog about thinking of others and being grateful, but do I do enough? Do you do enough? I am going to go away and think of all the things I can do to put this plan into action. I have already turned vegetarian and am investing a fair amount of time in learning about the impacts of certain factors to our environment. I will share my findings in the next few posts and hopefully create awareness of ways we can all help.

Awareness is key, so if I can use my blog to help raise awareness then I feel I should.

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Tags: Sustainable living | Sustainable lifestyle | slow living | get outdoors more | embrace slow living | hiking priorities