Glancing back, looking forward & becoming a lifestyle blogger

The time between Christmas and New Year is always a strange one. I’ve lost track of what day it is, probably eaten enough food to go up by a dress size, and think that enjoying a glass of prosecco at 10am is acceptable! I’ve really switched off over the past week and taken this time to spend quality time with loved ones, forget work and just relax. After a busy year of adventures and making my dream of becoming a lifestyle blogger a reality, it was just what I needed.

But as we approach the New Year, I am starting to feel revved up for what 2019 will bring. The feeling of new possibilities, exciting trips ahead and maybe the most important thing for me – my wedding day!

Here’s a glance back at last year, which turns out was a pretty incredible 12 months!

  • In the middle of the desert at Monument Valley, I became engaged. A complete and wonderful surprise.

  • I learned that gardens do not look after themselves and actually a lot more elbow grease is needed to tend to a large wild garden than I have time for! Note in diary for 2019 – book landscaper.

  • After months of planning, I finally started this lifestyle blog and am enjoying it immensely. In the words of Nike, I’ve learned to ‘JUST DO IT’.

  • Spray tans are not for me.

  • Time is more important than money. I’ve continued to ‘collect moments, not things’ and couldn’t be happier.

  • Planning a wedding isn’t as stressful as they say. (I may relook at this in 6 months time!)

  • Cutting one’s fringe is never advisable.

  • Exercise is the best drug.

I’ll be back in 2019 with new adventure tips, travel inspiration, artists, designers and amazing photography to share with you all. Until then I’ll be enjoying the last few days of gluttony and Harry Potter.

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Tags: Lifestyle blogger | travel blogger UK | sustainable living blog | travel and lifestyle blog | travel tips | positive aspirations