Lagom: The Swedish Art of Balanced Living

This journal was created to share inspiration in making the most of the opportunities this world gives us. Lagom, the Swedish art of balanced living, has been a huge influencing factor to the creation of this blog, so it is only right that I share with you what this is all about!

For the next seven weeks, I will be introducing you to the seven principles of Lagom. My hope is to inspire as many of you as possible to introduce these practices into your own lives and in turn have a happier and more balanced lifestyle. Because happiness is free and who doesn’t want to be happy?

So, what is Lagom, the Swedish art of balanced living?

One of my favourite little books, ‘Lagom, the Swedish Art of balanced Living’ by Linnea Dunne, sums it up perfectly:

“Lagom has no equivalent in the English language, but it loosely means “not too little, not too much, but just enough. Lagom is accepting an invitation to spend the weekend at a friend’s house, but bringing your own bed sheets because it’s fair to share the burden of laundry. It’s having the right to stay at home with a sick child – pay intact – but never abusing that right. Lagom is buying a practical car – even if it’s not the most visually pleasing of vehicles. It’s painting just one feature wall of your lounge and leaving the rest white because doing the entire room would be too much. It’s wearing bright red lipstick, but leaving the rest of your make up understated. Lagom is having a burger but opting out of the fries, because moderation is a virtue: it’s whipping up a brand-new dinner dish using nothing except leftovers, because waste is a mortal sin”.

So how can we all adopt Lagom living into our own lives?

How about treating yourself to that one designer chair that you have had your eye on for the past year, but styling the rest of the room with vintage finds and affordable (yet lasting!) pieces. Decorate rooms in calming colours (white, grey and neutrals are popular in Scandinavian design) to create a space that is uncluttered and restful. 

Speaking of clutter – declutter regularly! It’s all about simplicity and space to create an emotional wellbeing. Don’t just think of your own happiness, but that of others around you. Does a neighbour need help with anything? Offer your services for free, even if it’s asking if their dog would like to join you on your lunchtime walks! 

Learn to say ‘no’ – your time is valuable, you decide where you should spend it, so say no to working late every now and then and spend more time with your family or friends.

So what are the benefits of Lagom living?

The reach of Lagom spreads much wider than Sweden in recent times. With most people under stress, working longer hours behind screens and spending less time with their families, this pressure has built up and we are all screaming out for a different ethos, one that provides us with a greater sense of balance. Not only is it affecting us as humans, but it is affecting our precious planet. Our natural resources are being depleted and plastics are destroying our wildlife. We all need to make changes not only to benefit ourselves, but to benefit this place we call home.

“With its loathing of waste and insistence on fairness, lagom is a crucial ingredient in Sweden’s recipe for success”

The main benefits of living a Lagom lifestyle are:

  1. Physical space – Conscious consumption and only spending on pieces you actually need means you have much less clutter equalling a more peaceful space to relax in.

  2. Mindfulness – By appreciating the ‘right now’ and preventing yourself from worrying about things that may never happen, you can become fully present in the moment, appreciating the good things in life.

  3. Improved finances – As you learn how to embrace conscious consumption (see point 1), you will not only be doing the planet a favour, but you will also find that you have more money left over every month. Why not invest this in new experiences or helping others.

  4. Community and belonging – By becoming a bigger part of your community and in shared responsibilities, you will feel part of a family and have a greater sense of purpose. You’ll feel good for it believe me!

Lagom living is basically about making this great thing called life less complicated. It’s about enjoying the good and minimising the bad to create a true sense of balance and happiness.

If you like the sound of this, stay tuned for posts on the following seven themes, where I will explain in detail how you can implement each one into your lifestyle with minimal effort but with maximum return. (Don’t forget, please sign up for my newsletter in the side bar for new posts to be sent directly to your inbox).

Lagom themes

  • The work/life balance

  • Food and Drink

  • Styling Lagom – design, interiors and what to wear

  • Health and wellbeing

  • Socializing

  • The lagom planet – sustainable living

  • An honest approach to happiness

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Tags: Lagom design | Lagom book | Lagom meaning | Lagom magazine | Lagom swedish | Lagom living | Lagom swedish balanced living | Lagom work life balance | work life balance | Scandinavian design